Helensadornementsblog just started a series called, Ten Influential Women Who Have Influenced My Life and Inspired Me. The blog features a post about how each of the women on the list has played a part in how Helen makes daily decisions and lives her life. It reminded me of all women writers who have guided me throughout my journey as a writer. But the following ten women have had the most powerful impact:
Natalie Goldberg
Anne Lamott
Anna Quindlen
Kate Chopin
Bebe Moore Campbell
Dorothy West
Judy Blume
Virginia Woolf
Joyce Carol Oates
Sylvia Path
I’ve read several books by each. Though the themes and styles vary, they all write about the complexity of life as a woman and/or writer. I’ve learned much from their work. I owe every woman on the list a ton of gratitude.
My plan is to celebrate these women by writing a post about each one, including a brief biography, overview of the works I’ve read, and a lesson I’ve learned about writing. I also hope to throw in a favorite quotes and/or scenes.
I’m really looking forward to this series. I hope you’ll share who has influenced your work along the way.

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Kimberly Garrett Brown