Dec 29, 2015 | December Writing Challenge, Grieving
I’m struggling today to come up with a topic to write about. I thought I’d go back to procrastinating but that doesn’t really interest me. My thoughts are split between planning for the New Year and reflecting on this year. It’s been a tough year. That goes without...
Dec 28, 2015 | December Writing Challenge, The Writing Process
One of the biggest problems I have with writing is staying put in the chair. Whenever I’m sitting in the chair to write, I want to run. Anything and everything is a void excuse to get up and do something else. And if I make myself stay there, then my back or my...
Dec 27, 2015 | December Writing Challenge, Grieving
Today is my son’s birthday. He would have been twenty-seven years old. And for some reason I keep replaying the intricate details of his birth in my mind. I spent the evening of the 26th watching Yentl on VHS with my husband and sister. We had to pause every...
Dec 26, 2015 | December Writing Challenge, Inspirational Musing
Today is Boxing Day, a holiday celebrated in Great Britain and most countries that were settled by the English except the United States. Some historians believe it started back in the Middle Age when the servants who had to work on Christmas Day took the next day off....
Dec 25, 2015 | December Writing Challenge
It’s Christmas morning and I’m waiting for my kids to wake up. It’s crazy how things have changed. It used to be that my husband and I would have barely fallen asleep before they’d come barging into our room ready to open gifts. Now I’m...