Aug 15, 2012 | Images, The Writing Life
School is back in, which usually means it’s time to get back into a productive routine. But for the first time in eighteen years, I don’t have to take anyone to school. My daughter is a junior in high school and drives herself. So consequently, the...
Jul 9, 2012 | Quotes, The Writing Life
I’ve been keeping a secret from the followers of this blog. I’m not quite sure why I haven’t written about it before. Nonetheless, here it is. I started a literary magazine designed to celebrate the creativity and wisdom in every woman. It’s...
May 9, 2012 | Images, The Writing Life
Nothing kills creativity like being stuck in a writing rut. Circling around the same old tired topics make writing flat and uninspiring. And if you’re like me, you find yourself avoiding your writing time. The kitchen has to be cleaned. The dogs fed. Facebook checked....
May 4, 2012 | The Writing Life
This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about the past. It tends to happen when a loved one dies. Conversations and experiences resurfaced in such vivid details that the writer in me wanted to sit down and mine those memories for material for my writing. But I couldn’t....
Apr 12, 2012 | The Writing Life
I’m on my way to New York to watch my daughter’s chorus perform at Carnegie Hall. So I’m writing this post from 38,000 feet. I figured it would be a good use of my flight time. I usually write in my office with all my writerly things around me. It...
Mar 26, 2012 | Motivating Word, The Writing Life
MOMENTUM Last night, my son asked why I stopped writing my blog. The question surprised me. I didn’t realize he read it regularly enough to know I hadn’t written anything in a few weeks. I have had this mental block since February when I went on an unexpected birthday...