Jul 17, 2019 | The Writing Life, The Writing Process
I’m blogging again. It’s been a while. I could list a multitude of excuses as to why, but that would serve no real purpose other than to make me feel better. So I’ll spare you. Since my last blog, I relocated from Atlanta to Tampa. My transition included two...
Dec 7, 2015 | The Writing Process
Today is the seventh day of my December blogging challenge. Though I should be celebrating a small victory, I’m worried about what lies ahead. The next twenty-four days tend to be the busiest of the entire year. How do I complete everything on my to do list, write a...
Dec 1, 2015 | Goal Setting, The Writing Life
Confession –– I shopped on Black Friday. The frenzy and crowds kick off the Christmas shopping season for me. It all started years ago when my husband and I began taking our kids to see the holiday windows displays on State Street in Chicago. The lights and animated...
Feb 15, 2013 | The Writing Life
I’ve been out of the loop of writing this blog. I don’t actually have any particular excuse for stopping. It’s sort of like exercising. One day of not working out becomes two days and the next thing you know you haven’t been to the gym in four months. And though I...