Travel Log as Writing Practice

Whenever I take a big trip, I vow to write down my observations, discoveries, and thoughts so that I can remember the nuances of the place I’m visiting. The first few days I feverish write in my journal about what I saw, the food I ate and my overall impressions. My...

Back to Blogging

I’m blogging again.  It’s been a while. I could list a multitude of excuses as to why, but that would serve no real purpose other than to make me feel better. So I’ll spare you. Since my last blog, I relocated from Atlanta to Tampa. My transition included two...

Writing on the go

I’m on my way to New York to watch my daughter’s chorus perform at Carnegie Hall. So I’m writing this post from 38,000 feet. I figured it would be a good use of my flight time. I usually write in my office with all my writerly things around me. It...

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