Own Your Process

Own Your Process FollowFollowFollow – I can’t get enough of listening to seasoned (read published and famous) writers talk about writing. There’s an unspoken hope that one of them will share the secret sauce to being published and becoming famous (or...

A Bit of Italian Magic

A Bit of Italian Magic My family and I recently took a trip to Italy. My husband and I visited Rome, Florence, and the Amalfi coast for our twenty-fifth anniversary. We thought it would be cool if we went back with our children and their partners.  Before the trip, we...

Covid Cooking

  Covid Cooking I love to cook. Not in the mom-what’s-for dinner way, but with flavorful and colorful ingredients, a chef’s knife and beautiful plating. So, a few weeks into the quarantine when my usually menu got boring, I decided to have a little fun.  I’d prop...

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