Dec 4, 2015 | Home, The Writing Life
Today is the fifteen month anniversary of my son’s death. It doesn’t quite feel as devastating as it used to, but I still mark the date in my mind as I did during the first two years of his life. Everything is still fresh enough to consciously distinguish the specific...
Dec 3, 2015 | Inspirational Musing
Niagara Falls was my first. My family took an end-of-summer vacation there in 1974. I remember being excited about trip because my parents had gone for there for their honeymoon. I’m not sure exactly how much I understood about honeymoons at nine years old, but it...
Dec 2, 2015 | The Writing Life
I haven’t had the best day. I woke up on the proverbial “wrong-side of the bed.” Then I rushed out of the house to meet someone for coffee only to find out, after I arrived at the cafe, she’d sent an email earlier to cancel. To say I was annoyed is understatement. ...
Dec 1, 2015 | Goal Setting, The Writing Life
Confession –– I shopped on Black Friday. The frenzy and crowds kick off the Christmas shopping season for me. It all started years ago when my husband and I began taking our kids to see the holiday windows displays on State Street in Chicago. The lights and animated...
Apr 21, 2014 | The Writing Process
I’ve been tagged in the My Writing Process Blog Tour by Patricia Grace King. Check out what Patricia’s been up to at The blog is a relay that involves answering four question and then naming the authors who will follow. So here we...