Writing the Truth

Today is the fifteen month anniversary of my son’s death. It doesn’t quite feel as devastating as it used to, but I still mark the date in my mind as I did during the first two years of his life. Everything is still fresh enough to consciously distinguish the specific...

Chasing Waterfalls

Niagara Falls was my first. My family took an end-of-summer vacation there in 1974. I remember being excited about trip because my parents had gone for there for their honeymoon. I’m not sure exactly how much I understood about honeymoons at nine years old, but it...

Finding My Happy

I haven’t had the best day. I woke up on the proverbial “wrong-side of the bed.” Then I rushed out of the house to meet someone for coffee only to find out, after I arrived at the cafe, she’d sent an email earlier to cancel.   To say I was annoyed is understatement. ...

December Writing Challenge

Confession –– I shopped on Black Friday. The frenzy and crowds kick off the Christmas shopping season for me. It all started years ago when my husband and I began taking our kids to see the holiday windows displays on State Street in Chicago. The lights and animated...

My Writing Process Blog Tour

I’ve been tagged in the My Writing Process Blog Tour by Patricia Grace King. Check out what Patricia’s been up to at http://www.patriciagraceking.com/. The blog is a relay that involves answering four question and then naming the authors who will follow. So here we...

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