Travel Day Mishaps

Nothing makes you feel more American than dragging a heavy carry-on through a European airport. Everyone else moves faster through the corridors with bags half the size. Such was the case for Michael and me as we maneuvered our way to the gate at Zurich airport. We...

A Day in Zurich Part I

Today we traveled from Lausanne to Zürich. We walked from our hotel to the metro and headed to the central train station. We arrived just in time to hop on our train. The ride was more scenic than the one to Lausanne because we selected a route that went along the...

Crepes and Photography by the Lake

02_08_2020 When we travel through Europe, we’re tempted to pack as much as possible into each day. We don’t want to miss anything. But staying in the same city for an extended time allows us to experience the place. That’s what I did today. First, I...

A Day of Rest

02_07_2020 Today I stayed in because I felt run down and tired. Also, my ankle was throbbing. I twisted it the Saturday before I left Tampa. Walking 6.9 miles and climbing the equivalent of nine flights of stairs the day before in Montreux didn’t help. While it...

Accidental Trip to Montreux

The plan for today was to hop on the train and visit Lavaux, an area known for its wine. The woman at the tourism center told me that it would be a beautiful walk through the vineyards. I pictured quaint cottages sprinkled along the trail where you could stop at the...

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