How are you, really?

How are you? No, really. How. Are. You? Not a simple question to answer, especially when it is asked in passing as a pleasantry rather than a real inquiry. Generally, our response ranges from good to well, demanding on where we reside on the grammar scale – by the...

The Story Only You Can Tell

Two weeks from today I will hop on an Airbus A340-600 and head across the pond. First stop London. I will finally see my daughter, who I haven’t seen since the beginning of January. And after a quick three-day tour of London, my family and I will begin our five...

Five Ways to Sustain Resistance

It’s been one hundred and eleven days  since the election. Thirty-eight since the inauguration. It’s important to note because three plus months of active resistance is exhausting. I’ve marched. Made phone calls. Written emails. Huddled. Visited my...

Why Am I Procrastinating?

It’s been four weeks since I posted a blog. I could go into a long explanation about how busy I’ve been. As executive editor of Minerva Rising Press, I had to prepare for the 2017  AWP Conference, finalize the latest Minerva Rising issue – Fathers, and manage...

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