Jul 25, 2019 | Depression, Musing
I finished Girlfriends Guide to Divorce on Netflix last night. I choose it because I’m a sucker for the four-girlfriends-figuring-out-life-over-wine theme, and more importantly, it fit my two-plus seasons Netflix rule. I’m not quite sure why I stuck with it. I...
Jun 21, 2017 | 2017/past posts archive, Depression, Grieving
I’ve got the back-from-vacation blues. Even after being home for a week, all I want to do is go back to the beach. Life is great at the beach. No responsibilities. Very little clothing. Quiet waves rolling in and out. Throw in a cocktail and good book, and it’s just...
Mar 21, 2017 | Depression, Grieving, Musing
How are you? No, really. How. Are. You? Not a simple question to answer, especially when it is asked in passing as a pleasantry rather than a real inquiry. Generally, our response ranges from good to well, demanding on where we reside on the grammar scale – by the...
Dec 16, 2015 | December Writing Challenge, Depression
It was hard to come to the page today. Every thing inside of me is ready to give up on this whole blog idea. Most of those feelings stem from the fact that I’m tired and sad. I’ve felt that way when I woke up, but dragged myself to yoga in hopes of...