Finding Joy in the Season

Last year we didn’t put up any Christmas decorations. The general mood of the season was too much for me. The music too cheery. The lights too bright. The shopping too busy. And though I participated in a few Christmas activities,...

The struggle is real.

The struggle is real. journaling work-life balance working mom FollowFollowFollow – Yesterday, while going through the bookshelves in my office, I came across a Mediations For WOMEN Who Do Too Much Journal. It was one of those journals that places a word and a...

Seven days and counting . . .

Today is the seventh day of my December blogging challenge. Though I should be celebrating a small victory, I’m worried about what lies ahead. The next twenty-four days tend to be the busiest of the entire year. How do I complete everything on my to do list, write a...

Ode to Sunday Morning 

Dogs bark in unison. Body like lead. Room flooded with light. Eyes glued shut. I’m not quite sure this qualifies as a poem, but that’s what I’m calling it. The  words capture the sentiment of how I felt this morning.  The blog is shorter...

Five Tips for Writing on the Fly

“Do you home work first, ” was my mother’s constant refrain.  As a child it annoyed me, but I obeyed. However, the older I get, the further I move away from that sage advice. My rationale being that I work better under pressure. A fancy way of...

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